Haribo have been sold and loved by so many, and for many years but why has the name Haribo become so well known and loved by so many. Our Haribo Pick and Mix range is one of our most popular with Happy Cherries and Friendship rings topping the bill.
The quality speaks for its self and from the packaging to the sweets they always seem to get it right, whether its the Gold Bears, Friendship rings or the Tangfastic or StarMix bags, they all are huge hits with all ages. We all know and love the Haribo StarMix, but did you know this has been with us since 1995!!
Here in the UK, HARIBO Starmix is also Haribo's best selling product and was named 'Britain's Favourite Sweet' (C5, 2020)! Having celebrated its 25th birthday during 2020.
The name HARIBO comes from HAns RIegel BOnn. Hans Riegel was the founder of the company, born in 1898 in Friesdorf (a region of Bonn). In 1920, the company was registered into the Bonn trade register as HARIBO - an acronym of Hans' name and the place Bonn.
Check out our pick and mix range at www. the-candy-king.com